SENDCo Mrs Leonie Griffith

Tel: (01432) 870258

SEND Governor Mrs Emma Largesse

Tel: (01432) 870258

At Mordiford Church of England Primary School, we aim to be a fully inclusive school and staff are dedicated to ensuring all children are included in the whole curriculum. We are committed to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all pupils and recognise that all children have individual skills, talents and abilities. We emphasise the importance of quality first teaching but recognise that some pupils may require additional support to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress. We endeavour to provide the support, nurturing and appropriate teaching to enable them to reach their potential.

All members of staff have experience of teaching children with a range of special educational needs and we regularly review staff expertise and access appropriate whole school training. We have good links with a range of outside specialist agencies, including The Educational Psychology Service, The Autism Outreach Team, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists and the Behaviour Support Team. We recognise and value their expertise, assessment and support.

Depending on the nature and level of need, a child may access a variety of interventions and support. At Mordiford Church of England Primary School, we define the type of interventions used to help children with their learning in terms of a graduated response.

Our SEND pupils have:

Differentiation planned from the outset of each lesson.

  • 1:1 support when necessary and appropriate.
  • Use of additional resources to scaffold learning techniques and enable access to the curriculum.
  • Regular progress monitoring and feedback to pupil and parents/carers.
  • Small group work to both learn at their own pace and challenge them, also allowing peer mentoring.
  • Pre-teaching to boost their confidence and interventions to help secure their learning
  • Opportunities to participate in extra curricular activities such as forest schools or after school clubs.
  • Invitations to participate in inter-school challenges and events.

Support is also offered by the local authority. Please see details and a link below.

About the Local Offer:

The Children and Families Act (2014) requires all local councils to set out a ‘local offer’ of the support available to assist children and young people, aged from birth to 25 years of age (and their families) who are disabled and/or have special educational needs.

The local offer should include information about:-

1. Education, health and social care services from birth to 25 years of age

2. Eligibility criteria to access specialist support services

3. The support arrangements available to help you access the services you need

4. How to make a complaint

The Local Offer is a one-stop-shop for parents, carers, family members and practitioners working with families to find the information they want about support and services for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

The Local Offer – information for families on special educational needs and disabilities provided by Herefordshire Council