The list below outlines our aim to support the children in our school through the use of Sports Premium Funding
The Sport’s Premium allows us to employ a PE Apprentice to support children and staff with sporting activities. It funds the purchase of sports equipment and enables us to take part in numerous sporting fixtures throughout the year organised by ‘School Games’. Through the Sports Premium, we up skill our Young Leaders who provide games for children to take part in at breaktimes. It also means we can take all the children climbing at ‘Green Spider’ in the Autumn Term.


We are delighted to have gained our School Games Gold Award showing our commitment for sport at Mordiford CofE Primary School.

How will the impact of spending be monitored?

Pupil voice – Sports Questionnaire to include a register of afterschool clubs, uptake of out of school clubs, participation in intra/inter-school festivals

Teacher observations which include the impact that CPD has upon their own teaching

Registers for out of school clubs

Registers for attendance of festivals and competitions

Newsletter articles with sport theme that promote participation and celebrate excellence

Update Governors on a regular basis.