In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. This money is delegated to schools based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it has been expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM in any of the previous 6 years. This money is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially. Pupil Premium is also used for children looked after, children of armed services personnel and children adopted from care.

At Mordiford CE Primary School we have a relatively small number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals. January 2024 census, the figure was about 13% of the school roll.

Some examples of the types of focus for Pupil Premium spending

Purchasing of booster material for literacy and numeracy

Targeted additional 1:1 support from teaching assistants

Structured small group tuition from teaching assistants

Provision for children attending trips including residential visits

Inclusion in after-school clubs and peripatetic music sessions

The impact of Pupil Premium Spending is monitored in some of the following ways…

Through rigorous and regular Pupil Progress Meetings the impact of interventions will be tracked to decide whether children entitled to Pupil Premium are making progress, in line with their non-pupil premium peers, in terms of academic progress, self-esteem, physical well-being and attendance

Involve whole staff in decisions about what next steps could be taken to narrow the gap for children receiving Pupil Premium

Records will be kept and monitored for intervention groups

Continue to monitor the specific impact of successful interventions/actions/resourcing

Update Governors on a regular basis