Welcome to Pentaloe Class

This term, our focus will be on history and geography. We will be exploring parts of America and studying the Mayan Civilisation. Our main text will be The Curse of the Maya.
We will complete our Evolution and Inheritance topic, then explore Living Things and Habitats and finally studying the Circulatory System.
Please continue to support your children with homework.
We will continue with weekly spellings (the children have this week’s spellings in their spelling books today) for a test on Wednesdays.
It is so important that children are reading daily from a wide range of books. I will be encouraging them to choose challenging books appropriate for Y6 from now on. Not only will this help them to access the high school curriculum, but it is a great way to spend time relaxing in the evening. It would hugely benefit your child if you could listen to them read aloud as often as possible in order to improve reading speed and understanding.
Please ensure reading journals are in school daily (we will be using them to record messages too!)
Times Tables
Lack of fluency in table knowledge can really hold children back in maths lessons, meaning they make errors or haven’t got time to complete maths tasks. Chanting tables, quickfire questions and of course practise on TT Rockstars will help your children improve greatly in maths!

Information for parents:

The Oxford reading Tree website has tips for parents on helping their child through SATS: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/primary-school-assessment-tests/ks2-sats/ks2-sats-support/

Here are some websites which can help with maths and English topics at home:






We are incredibly passionate about reading: it really is the key to open so many doors for the future and a great way to switch off from the everyday worries of the present!

We have gathered a continuously growing library of fabulous Y6 books from different genres on our class shelves, so our children have an enormous choice of both classics and brand-new stories hot off the press. I will be asking children to read daily as a priority, and to complete a journal which they can decorate and update as they go, and we can celebrate these in class.

100 books to read in Year 6

Here is a list of 100 fantastic books appropriate for Y6 which have been recommended by Y6 teachers across the country.

We are honing our times tables for the speedy recall needed to achieve Y6 objectives. Here are some great websites for practise:

https://ttrockstars.com/ (children have their own logins in their reading journals)

Our Teachers

Mr Fair

Mrs Fraser
Teaching Assistant

Things To Remember

PE this half term will be Dance (Mondays) and Adriano (Tuesdays) Don’t forget PE Kit and waterproofs for Tuesdays.

Helpful Information