Welcome to Arrow Class

Autumn Term 2023

During this Autumn term Year 2 will be learning about London with the help of Paddington Bear. The children will look at the human and physical geography around London, noticing it is the capital city of the UK. They will focus on landmarks and what symbols mean. They also identify the other capital cities of the UK and its surrounding oceans. To conclude the  the children will plan an imaginary trip to London. They will consider how they will get there, what they will need to wear for the season and what they will see. During the second half of the term the children will learn about the historical key events of the Great Fire of London and develop an understanding of the ways in which we can find out about the past through discussing primary sources.


We start our term reading ‘Paddington Bear’ and other stories by Michael Bond. Later in the term we will focus on ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ and Vlad’. We will use these text to write settings, character descriptions, letters, poetry, diaries and recounts. We will also be using Talk 4 Writing as an approach to teaching writing that encompasses a three-stages: imitation, innovation and invention.


At Mordiford we want all children to be able to develop a lifelong love of reading. We like to make sure every child has the opportunity to read with their teacher, at least once a week, but are also expected to read at home everyday. The children have access to Bug Club where they can select and read fiction and non-fiction books, in addition to their school reading book, at home.  Reading books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.

How many of the 50 recommended books will you read this year?


For maths we follow White Rose Maths.  This term we will focus on shape, money, multiplication and division and length and height. Each day we also have a basic skills maths session where we consolidate the fundamental concepts of number and place value. We will begin to learn to recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables.

White Rose Maths 1 – Minute Maths

To support your child and help them build greater number confidence and fluency, a free app is available to download via the White Rose Maths Hub website. It is an excellent resource that we would encourage you to download and use with your child. Click the link and follow the instructions.


This term’s topic is ‘Uses of Everyday Materials’ will teach the children about the uses of everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, glass, brick, paper and cardboard. Children will then compare the suitability of different everyday materials for different purposes. The children will investigate what would be the most suitable material that could be used to make Paddington Bear’s raincoat. They will then go on to explore how objects made of some everyday materials can change shape and how the recycling process is able to reuse some everyday materials numerous times. Finally the children will learn about new discoveries which have made over time with a specific focus on John McAdam. A range of learning activities including, discussions, debates, sequencing and a local walk will encourage children work scientifically to identify the uses of everyday materials in the local area.

Click on the images below.


Homework will be set every Friday. It will be sent out as a paper document or emailed to you on the Friday Newsletter email. This will either be English, Maths or Topic work and spellings. The spellings sent will be the spellings/spelling pattern that the children will be learning the following week. Homework is to be handed in the following Wednesday and the children will have a spelling test each Friday.

Forest School

Our Teachers

Miss Quinn

Miss Harris
Teaching Assistant

Things To Remember

PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure that PE kit is worn that day to school.

Helpful Information